May 2022 Update
It is now easy to visit Fiji, but you still must keep up to date with current regulations. Click on the government link below to stay informed.
After almost 2 years of the border being closed, Fiji's border has reopened. https://www.mcttt.gov.fj/home/traveltofiji/international-travel/https://www.mcttt.gov.fj/home/traveltofiji/international-travel/
May 2021 Update
After being Covid free for over a year, Fiji has experienced an outbreak due to a breach in repatriation quarantine. As of May 2021 the government has been forced to quarantine the 4 largest cities on the big island, Viti Levu. All passenger travel (sea & air) have been suspended.
Do to travel suspension, we have shifted our focus into two main categories.
1) Stock piling clinic supplies. When Fiji's borders reopen, we anticipate numerous volunteer veterinary personnel arriving into the country. Our inventory will be ready and waiting for our next animal welfare/spay/desexing mission. When that will be, is still unknown. We are targeting the fourth quarter of this year.
2) More importantly, our charity has been taking advantage of the "downtime" and focusing on our education program. Since Fiji's original Covid outbreak in early 2020, we have visited dozens of classrooms in Taveuni. We present an introductory animal welfare lesson to the primary school children. To date, 500+ kids have received our presentation. Introducing compassion and basic animal husbandry to our children is crucial. We try to debunk the not uncommon practices of cutting cat's whiskers (to make them stay home), cutting off a sick dog's tail (to help them recover), and various other beliefs based on ignorance due to lack of education. Animal welfare education is key in preventing future animals suffering.
Since we do not receive any governmental funding, we rely on your support to deliver our much needed services. All donations are appreciated and PayPal is preferred.
We are a certified charity registered at AmazonSmile. Please consider designating us as your charity. This really helps and costs you nothing! Our link is https://smile.amazon.com/ch/84-2429479
2020 Covid Update
Our 1st mission of 2020 took place mid-March. It was pre-arranged to visit 10 villages in need. Unfortunately in the midst of the mission, Fiji's 1st Corona Virus case emerged. To protect the country, the Fijian government stopped all air traffic. Our mission had to come to an abrupt halt as the volunteer vet had to immediately get on the last outgoing flight back to the US.
Even though we just went to 4 of the 10 scheduled villages, we managed to spay and neuter 83 dogs and cats! 75 (90%) of which were females. Dozens of additional animals were given health exams including administration of flea/tick and worm treatments.
A much needed amputation was performed due to a dog being hit by car.
Villagers observed the procedures and were educated about the importance of keeping animals healthy and well cared for.
The need and demand for our assistance with underserved animals is ongoing. We plan on continuing our free mobile animal welfare missions within the next few months or whenever current regulations/restrictions deem it feasible.
Until then, we continue to help the helpless as best we can. We appreciate and need your support.